Scribe Post October 23 08

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Today in class we did more about intergers. We learned it the grade 9 way. It is like Algebra but Integers.

This is on Page 45 nubers 1 to 5.

1. (-36)+(-14)+(-16)= -94

2. (-86)+(-14)+(16)= -84

(-100)+(16)= -84

3. (-3)+(-4)+(-15)= -22

4. (24)+(18)+(30)= +72

5. (-21)+(-32)+(21)= -30

(-53)+(21)= -30

This is what we did in math today... if i did something wrong please tell me.. and you have to live a lot of coments behind or else..... you all are wondering how the next SCRIBE is ............. Ummmmm... The next scribe is...................... HOLLAND !!!!! :P


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