Hi from the University of Regina

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Hi. I'm Jocelyn Skogberg from the University of Regina. I'm in secondary education (high school) right now and I'm training to become a math teacher. As one of my classes working with computers in school I was signed up with your class to blog along with you. I'm going to post comments on some of your blogs about the work you are doing in your classes as well as possibly some questions of my own. Things can work both ways, so you can post comments on my blog as well. I'm really excited to get you know all of you and I can't wait to get started seeing all the work you are doing over the semester.


  1. Mr. H said...

    Thanks for introducing yourself to the students. I hope you have a great experience mentoring them on their path to new math knowledge. You double posted here. I will delete one of the posts

    October 15, 2008 at 10:34 AM  

  2. Renz Eulric 9-06 said...

    Hi, I'm Renz from 8-41 I'm glad you're coming to help us with math math too I'm excited to meet you and also to have another student teacher.

    October 16, 2008 at 7:30 PM  

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