Question 5:

Question 7:

Here's some extra things I decided to write down while Mr. Harbeck was talking:
- x's in algebra have to be in handwriting or it will look like multiplying
- < = is less than . Must be all together. Can't be " is 7 less than "
- If you see commas in algebra you just leave it.
- Pink booklet Part C # 1 - 24.
- Finish Integer Poems by FRIDAY.
WHOO! Pictures, HANDMADE pictures! Good job! Haven't seen those in a while! Love your pictures Michelle, no doubt. It attracts your scribe post. I haven't even read it yer! And look, I'm already commenting.
For Question seven, I think you should have put what those numbers '11, 12, 13' were. Like, consetutive, right? But, that's okay. I liked the bullet parts, where you have the extras. It shows that you were paying attention in class, and it also really helps out a person who is just introducted to Alegbra. (Like us! :P) It actually looks like you've been doing Alegbra for a while, since you have that little bullet part! Haha, anyway. Good job! Please keep it up! :) Love your colors.
December 4, 2008 at 8:31 PM
December 4, 2008 at 8:31 PM
Oh and, you missed something?
Uhm, for the homework part! :D We have to write the words.. er, sentences from C, to the Alegbra book. If the sentence is..
- A number plus seven.
then the answer is: T + 7. Right? So you put it BEHIND 'Adding Words'. :) You need 2 for each catagroy, except for the top one. That's just empty both sides.
Sorry if I sound mean. ._.
December 4, 2008 at 8:40 PM
Oh dayyum! Nice pictures. And everything Peachy said.=P
December 4, 2008 at 9:24 PM
Peachy wrote SOOOO MUUCH. Haha, rofl. Well I like the colors and the homemade pictures! :) Haha good job maaan!
December 4, 2008 at 10:07 PM
Good job Michelle! It looks like you put a lot of time and effort into your scribe. Once again, great job! :)
December 4, 2008 at 11:42 PM