Adding Integers Poem (A Diamante Poem)
Adding Integers
Free Verse: Subtracting
When you sutbract,
you must attack the opposite like terms.
if you do not,
you will be caught,
in a big mess returned!
Multipication Rule "Ron's Rule" (Free Verse)
Ron's Rule
with something ridiculous like a positive number,
Free Verse: Partitive Division
Partitive Division
I thought really really really hard in my head.
Cinquain: Quotative Division
Quotative Division
Negative, positive,
Apple - Hey Pear, how's it going?
Pear - Oh, hi Apple. Almost didn't see you there! Anyway, It's good It's good. I'm currently working on this math problem my sister gave me.. it kind of well, struck me. i'm pretty clueless right now!
Apple - Oh? Well, let's here the question! Maybe I can help.
Pear - n+3-5n+12. Think you can answer that? Look at those.. letters! I have no idea why their there..
Apple - Oh, those are variables! We use them in Alegbra to represent a number. Don't worry, Alegbra's easy. Now, tell me. What do you think the answer is?
Pear - Hm.. -6n+15.
Apple - Let's see if you're right. You group the same terms together.. which are n and 5n. And 3 and 12. Make sure you bring the operation signs with your numbers! Next we put them together.. hm, -5n+n+12+3. -5n+n=-4n, and 12+3=15! So the answer is -4n+15.
Pear -.. Oh. But I got -6n+15? Isn't that right?
Apple - Oh! No, no. Nice try there Pear, but you always, always have to look at the operation sign! Remember I told you take the operation signs with your numbers. I think you forgot the 5n was negative and added it.
Pear - Oh, thanks Apple!
Apple - Anytime, having anymore troubles?
Pear - .. I'm so sorry Apple to bother you! But I'm really not believing you when you say that Alegbra's easy. It's pretty hard to me!
Apple - Oh, don't worry about it Pear. You'll get it soon. I promise. Now, what's the next question?
Pear - 2+4(3n+8).
Apple - Oh! That's easy. For this question, we have to Distribute the Property. Here's what I mean.. well, wait. What do you think the answer is?
Pear - 12n+10.
Apple - Let's see if you're right! You first have to multiply the number that is touching the bracket with the closest number. So, for this question.. the multiplying number would be 4. And the first number TO multiply is 3n. 4x3n=12n. Then we multiply again, using 4.. but this time multiplying TO 8. So, 4x8=32. The next thing we do, so put the like terms together. 12n+32+2. The last step is to add the numbers that can... well, be added! so, 32+2=34. The answer is 12n+34.
Pear - Wow Apple, you're so smart! I think I'm starting to get it! I know why my answer was wrong! I forgot to multiply 4 with the number 8. I just added 8 and 2 together, which equalled 10. That's how I my answer, 12n+10. Whoops!
Apple - See, I told you Pear! Algebra's easy.. to everyone who tries.
(Changed some things in the movie to make script shorter)
Harbeck! I can't add Pear's mistake, my script is too long. So, I'll just
put Pear's mistake here.
Q:2 + 4(3n+8)
Oh, and I know I spelled ALGEBRA wrong. I just can't fix it, because
I already published. That's what I get for publishing without rereading.
Here are some Additive, Subtractive, Multipicative and Divisive Equations!

I solved this equation by drawing out the question. I drew one variable, which is the long green block, 3 constants, which are the red square blocks, and 5 constants which are the red square blocks after the equal sign. To isolate the variable, I added the opposite, which was -3 to +3. I was left with n. I added -3 to the answer (6). 3 postives and 3 negatives cancelled out each other and I was left with 2. N (variable) = 2 (constant). All I had to do was verify, which is just replacing the variable with the answer. On the other side, I did the same thing, but not using pictures. I isolated, cancelled the opposite, balanced and verified.
I solved this equation by drawing out the question. I drew one variable, which isthe long green blook, 4 negative constants, which are the red square blocks, and 7 constants which are the red square blocks after the equals sign. To isolate the variable, I added the opposite, which was +4 to -4. I was left with n. I added +4 to the answer 7, which gave me 10. N (variable) = 10 (constant). All I had to do was verify, which is just replacing the variable with the answer. On the other side, I did the same thing, but not using pictures. I isolated, cancelled the opposite, balanced and verified.
Multipicative:I solved this equation by drawing out the question. I drew two variables and 6 constants. The first thing I had to do was equally distribute the contants (6) with the 2 variable (2n). I drew the 1 variable, and put 3 constants beside it. I did the same with the remaining. I soon found out that one variable equals 3 positive contants. Then I circled each group. All I had to do was verify, which is just replacing the variable with the answer. On the other side, I did the same thing, but not using pictures. I isolated, cancelled the opposite, balanced and verified.
I solved this equation by drawing the question. I drew one variable, and wrote down the dividing sign and numbers. After I was finished, I took the number four and multipied it with 4 and the answer, 3. This is the way you isolate. Then I took 3 and four, which had a bracket touching.. which meant they are multipying. I multipied then together and got 12. N(variable) = 12(constant). All I had to do was verify, which is just replacing the variable with the answer. On the other side, I did the same thing, but not using pictures. I isolated, cancelled the opposite, balanced and verified.
Chapter 4: Algetile Video
During class, we were told to make a video about algebra equations using aletiles. We had to work on it at lunch, because we didn't get to finish it during class. So, sorry for the background noise! Props to: Tracy, Hanbit, and Maeddah.
HEY Peachy! I guess I'm first ey? Well first of all, thank you for commenting on mine (and everybody elses) posts. You also encouraged me to comment more on people's posts. Uh, what else? Oh yeah ! I finally found a mistake. LOL. Uhm you spelled ridiculous wrong. You spelled it like 'ridiculas' if I'm not mistaken. But I just wanted to let you know. Great job on your poems! Very well done! ;)
December 9, 2008 at 12:15 AM
Aw, thanks Sutchai!! :)
Okay, I knew it looked wrong. I just got really lazy and decided to not look it up. But thanks for actually reading my poem and looking for those errors! :)
December 9, 2008 at 5:57 PM
GJ Maeddah! Your poems are great, and they're all fun to read. Again, good job. :)
December 16, 2008 at 10:24 PM
Yeeeeah, our movie is the best :)
January 15, 2009 at 10:33 PM
HAHAHAA, kay I'm such a retard -_- I sound like a little kid too. ROOFL, I'm so weird at the end..
January 15, 2009 at 11:33 PM
PEACHY! (: I love your pictures! It was very well done and neat. Good job on explaining everything and your movie was very well done too! (:
January 19, 2009 at 5:56 PM
Jordan: Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate it. :) Thanks for the comments! Hahaha!
Hanby: Stop it, you're scaring the other people out there. Tehehe. Just kidding! Yes, our video was good, but you can't say it was the BEST because that's just.. mean to everyone elses' vids! Haha, we did a mighty fine job on it.
Gelli: Thanks for commenting Gelli! Thanks for taking the time to read it, watch my vid and everything!
January 24, 2009 at 8:34 PM
good job peaches! hahaa . i love your pictures, they are very neat and tidy. HAHAAHHA. good job peaches!
February 11, 2009 at 8:21 PM
Hello peachy, I know i've commented on this alot but you commented on mine .. about 124098 times. So i've decided to comment on yours again! First of all, I love your chapter 3 pictures as well! Yours looks very neat and organized. Also I liked your xtranormal video! It's so cute! Haha, Apple and Pear? ;) Cute names. Good job on the video at the end. It's ... very .. hilarious and uh.. educational? HAHA, yes it was very educational. Oh, and you're a poet, did'ya know it? HAHA, that rhymes 8-) Well this is very long enough already. So good job once again!
February 11, 2009 at 8:51 PM
Oh, and by the way! I really like my nails in the video at the end. Hehe, yes.
February 11, 2009 at 8:52 PM