- Find the common denominator.
- Add the numerator to numerator.
- Add the denominator to denominator.
- If it can be simplified, simplify it.
Subtracting Fraction
- Find the common denominator.
- Subtract the numerator to numerator.
- Subtract the denominator to denominator.
- If it can be simplified, simplify it.
Adding Mixed Fraction
- Convert mixed fractions into improper fractions
- Find the common denominator.
- Add the numerator to numerator.
- Add the denominator to denominator.
- If it can be simplified, simplify it.
Multiplying Fractions
- Multiply the numerator to numerator.
- Multiply the denominator to denominator.
- If it can be simplified, simplify it.
Multiply Mixed Fractions
- Convert mixed fractions into improper fractions.
- Multiply the numerator to numerator.
- Multiply the denominator to denominator.
- If the answer is improper, convert improper fractions into mixed fractions.
- If it can be simplified, simplify it.
Dividing Fractions
- Find the reciprocal of the fraction (flip one of the fraction).
- Change dividing into multiplying.
- Multiply the numerator to numerator.
- Multiply the denominator to denominator.
- If it can be simplified, simplify it.
Dividing Mixed Fractions
- Convert mixed fractions into improper fractions.
- Find the reciprocal of the fraction (flip one of the fraction).
- Change dividing into multiplying.
- Multiply the numerator to numerator.
- Multiply the denominator to denominator.
- If it can be simplified, simplify it.
Problem #2
Problem #3
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