1st step: Find a common denominator.
2nd step: Add the numerator to a numerater
3rd step: Add the denominator to a denominator.
LAST step: Simplify it. (only if possible)

1st step: Find a common denominator.
2nd step: Subtract the numerator to a numerator.
3rd step: Subtract the denominator to a denominator.
LAST step: Simplify it. (only if possible)

1st step: Convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions.
2nd step: Fina a common denominator.
3rd step: Add the numerator to a numerator.
4th step: Add the denominator to a denominator.
5th step: Convert the answer into a mixed number.
LAST step: Simplify it. (only if possible)

1st step: Multiply the numerator to a numerator.
2nd step: Multiply denominator to a denominator.
LAST step: Simplify it. (only if possible)

1st step: Convert any of the mixed numbers into improper fractions.
2nd step: Multiply the numerator to a numerator.
3rd step: Multiply the denominator with a denominator.
4th step: Convert the answer into a mixed number.
LAST step: Simplify it. (only if possible)

1st step: Find the reciprical. (one of the fractions upside down)
2nd step: Multiply the numerator to a numerator.
3rd step: Multiply the denominator to a denominator.
4th step: Convert the fraction into a mixed fraction.
LAST step: Simplify it. (only if possible)

1st step: Convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions.
2nd step: Find the reciprical. (one of the fractions upside down)
3rd step: Multiply the numerator to a numerator.
4th step: Multiply the denominator to a denominator.
5th step: Convert the answer into a mixed number.
LAST step: Simplify it. (only if possible)
Word Problems:
Problem # 2:

GELLI, your post is very neat. AND i can see perfectly (:
I like the way you explained it, cause its easy to understand
Keep up the good work (8
May 11, 2009 at 10:46 PM
Dean, haha thank you! I still think you have eye problems though. LOL. You probably need to go to the eye doctor and get GLASSES or CONTACTS. HAHA (: Okay, well thanks once again ! I think you should finish your post now so I could comment on yours ;D
May 11, 2009 at 10:51 PM