Heyy... It's me Nicole M... :] I know to many Nicole's but guess what?... GET OVER IT :] tehe! Well I'm here for the scribe post :] umm...
Today we did alittle of subtraction and addition together!! OOOOOO... yup. heres an example of what we did...

mwauhahahah :] Enjoy!!! Oh... and the next scribe is... drum roll....
Sorry Nichole <3 color="#ff0000">>:D
Hi everyone,
My name is Sara Thibeault and I am a first year in education at the University of Regina. I have the opportunity to follow your blog and see what's up wtih you. Thanks for letting me "join" you!
I've really been enjoying reading your blogs. I love the scribes. They are great! It's really interesting to know what you guys are doing in your classroom everyday, even though I am in Regina. That is so awesome! Keep up the good work!
I have a question for everyone who wants to shout back: how do you think that you can apply integers to your life? Do you see them everyday? (Here's a hint: the answer is yes!)
Keep up the math!! It's a good thing!
October 29, 2008 at 7:17 PM