Bob quickly came to this conclusion, by using zero pairs. He proudly told the monster his answer, and the monster started yelling and cussing. He soon stopped, and began to laugh.
"I'll get you on the next one!", he said. Here it is: what is (+5) + (+8)? Hmm, thought bob, I'd better use integer chips for this one.

He came to this conclusion by using the buttons as integer chips. He told the monster his answer, and this time the monster began to tear up the pumpkin patch in his rage and frustration, and almost trampled Bob. He did this for awhile, and then came back and sat down. "RRRRRR, alright, try this one, Mr. Smug.", said the monster, barely containing his anger. "What is (+100) + (+200) equal?!?" "MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!", he laughed at the blank, hopeless look on his face. Okay Bob, he thought, just think. That's it!, he thought , I'll use a number line!

"Hooray!", he yelled, "I've got it!". He thought it was simple, he just had to use a number line. "Oh, alright, I'll let you go." Bob started walking along home, rejoicing. It was way to easy, I'm gonna brag to all my frei- and then the monster ate him.
yay good story it think its a bit boring though but that only my opinion ^_^
October 31, 2008 at 8:41 AM
Thought your story was very well done and can't wait to see your next part.
October 31, 2008 at 2:12 PM