Today in Math class, we first corrected our homework from yesterday.
To join the perfect square club, you must be a full NUMBER, no decimals. EG: 4x4
If you do not belong to the perfect square club, you are imperfect. You are not a PERFECT sideline number, you are not a full number. You have a demical. EG: 4.5x4.5

After we corrected out homework, Harbeck drew us 4 squares.
Just like this picture v. He then told us to describe it and write down 3 things about each square.

The first square has an area of 1. It is an all perfect square because one is one square unit. The sidelines are 1, and you get this by square rooting the area (1). so, squareroot1 = 1. So, 1x1, and 1 squared. This square is also the smallest square out of all of them, and it also belongs in the perfect square club because the sideline numbers are perfect numbers and don't have decimals.

The first square has an area of 1. It is an all perfect square because one is one square unit. The sidelines are 1, and you get this by square rooting the area (1). so, squareroot1 = 1. So, 1x1, and 1 squared. This square is also the smallest square out of all of them, and it also belongs in the perfect square club because the sideline numbers are perfect numbers and don't have decimals.

The last square has an area of 4. It is a perfect square because the square root of 4 is 2 which is a perfect number. Squareroot4 = 2, 2x2, 2 squared. This is also the largest square in the whole picture, and it also belongs in the perfect square club because the sideline number is a full number with no decimals.
And lastly, he gave us homework.
Make 9 squares and write down 3 things about them, and explain how they all fit together.
Heres what I think the answers are. (Sorry, It would take too long to draw 30 squares on paint.)
Square 5 - The square has an area of 5. It is not a perfect square because the square root of 5 is 2.236, which is obviously not a perfect number. This square would not belong in the perfect square club because the sideline numbers are not full numbers. (decimals). Squareroot5 = 2.236, 2.236x2.236, 2.235 squared. You can also find the perimeter by adding all the sideline numbers together. 2.236+2.236+2.236+2.236=8.944.
Square 5 - The square has an area of 5. It is not a perfect square because the square root of 5 is 2.236, which is obviously not a perfect number. This square would not belong in the perfect square club because the sideline numbers are not full numbers. (decimals). Squareroot5 = 2.236, 2.236x2.236, 2.235 squared. You can also find the perimeter by adding all the sideline numbers together. 2.236+2.236+2.236+2.236=8.944.
Square 6 - This square has an area of 6. It is not a perfect square once again, because the squareroot of 6 is 2.448, which is obviously not a perfect number. This square would not belong in the perfect square club because the sideline numbers are not full numbers once again. Squareroot6 = 2.448, 2.448x2.448 and 2.448 squared. You can also find the perimeter by adding all the sideline numbers together. 2.448+2.448+2.448+2.448=9.792.
Square 7 - This square has an area of 7. It is not a perfect square because the square root of 7 is 2.645, which is obviously not a perfect number. This square would not belong in the perfect square club because the sideline numbers are not full numbers once again. Squareroot7 = 2.645. 2.645x2.645, and 2.645 squared. You can also find the perimeter of the square by adding all the sidelines of the numbers together. 2.645+2.645+2.645+2.645=10.58
Square 8 - This square has an area of 8. It is not a perfect square because the square root of 8 is 2.828, which is obviously once again not a perfect number. This square would NOT belong in the perfect square club because the sideline numbers are not full numbers. Squareroot8 = 2.828, 2.828x2.828, and 2.828 squared. You can also find the perimeter by adding all the sideline numbers together. 2.828+2.828+2.828+2.828=11.312.
Square 9 - This square has an area of 9. It is a perfect square because the square root of 9 is 3, which is obviously a perfect number. This square would definitely belong in the perfect square club because the sideline numbers are full numbers. Square root 9 = 3, 3x3 and 3 squared. You can also find the perimeter by adding all the sideline numbers together. 3+3+3+3=12.
WELL, there. I don't really understand the last part of the homework, so I'll wait until tomorrow and see. I thought we had to talk about 30 squares! and I did 27, but then that time I checked my books and asked many people. And they all said 9. So, booo me. Anyways, thanks for reading! PLEASE comment. NEXT SCRIBE, I CHOOOOSE..... DEAN.
WOOW, awesome scribe Peachy ! (; You did an excellent job on colouring coding the important texts in your scribe. OH, lucky you, your 2 scribes ahead of us! lol. You always do good in every subject, that's why you always get good grades. (; Your scribe was very well done and organized! Good job once again and keep up the good work ! ;D
March 12, 2009 at 5:28 PM
Wow, nice scribe Maeddah! Looks like you put a lot of effort in. Well done :)
March 12, 2009 at 8:40 PM
LOL, like everyone else pretty much said .. WOW! You did a GRRRREAAT JOB Peachy! (: How long did it take you to do all of this? It was VERY WELL DONE! :D KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK!
March 17, 2009 at 8:27 AM
Excellent job, Peachy! :D Wow, you always do extra work in math. You should get a 100+ , jeez -_- HAHA. Good job and I liked how you describe everything so well. Very neat, please try to space out things next time? I like it, but I get confused of where I'm reading .. HAHAH, probably just me... >:( Anyways, good job!
March 18, 2009 at 6:08 PM