The first artifact is a a right angle triangle, also known as 'R.A.T'. The square in the corner is the right angle, and it's not called a right triangle because it's on the right side (in this case its not on the right!) The right angle is an angle of 90 degrees. The triangle is made up of legs: A and B, and the longest side of the triangle or the part of the triangle that is diagonal from the right angle is called the hypotenuse. The acute angles are going to be Theta and Beta. Theta and Beta are called complimentary angles because together they form a 90 degree angle.

This is a statue of Pythagoras. He is the great greek man that made the Pythgorean Theorem and many more. He was the first known westerner to say that the Earth revolves around the sun. He was the only westerner to be allowed in pyramids, only one to speak fluent Egyptian language.
Pythagoras: The greatest genius ever lived. He is a "uber" smart mathematician, he was a Greek geek. It wasn't for sure that he was really alive or even existed.
Legs: These are connected to create the right angle of the right angle triangle a.k.a sides "A" and "B". They are also smaller than the hypotenuse.
Hypotenuse: The hypotenuse is the longest side of the right angle triangle, its the opposite side of the right angle also.
R.A.T: stands for Right Angle Triangle.
Greek : A person that from ancient modern Greece, also means that you lives or was born in Greece.
Theorem: A theoretical proposition, statement, or formula, something to be proved from other formulas.


Hi Carrie, I didn't know I was commenting on your scribe. Haha. :) For the first picture, triangle, you have so much points/information! Haha, don't worry. That's a good thing, extra work = more marks. "Those 4 equal sides are called lines of symmetry." I did not know that, I honestly didn't I learned something new from your post. Thanks, hhaha. The square also has a lot of points, but you could have also added that all sides of the square is even, if you know one side of the square then you know all sides. You can find the area and perimeter of the square using those numbers. Then you could have shown an example of how to find the area or perimeter. But, it's still great. I'm just being my usual overachiever self, so don't mind me. For the pythagorean theorem, it was explained great but I do think that you could have drawn a picture, to show other people who missed classes what you are trying to say. But, like what I said earlier, it was explained well and cleary. For the last question, problem 2, I think that you could have explained it more, and shown step by step how to do it. But, it's still good the way it is. :) Nice videos, keep up to good work kikay!
February 28, 2009 at 1:18 PM
Btw Carrie, you spelled Pythagoras wrong for your title. :)
February 28, 2009 at 2:07 PM