Pythagoras POST
In his backpack he found
a triangle
a square
So the first thing we are going to talk about is THE TRIANGLE .
The triangle is a right angle triangle also know as the R.A.T. The sides make 90 degree which is the legs. The longer side of the triangle is the hypotneuse. You'll always find the hypotneuse across from the little square inside the triangle.
The square is next in line.....
The square is always equal. All the sides are the same. It all makes up 360 degrees.

vid 1

The first artifact is a a right angle triangle, also known as 'R.A.T'. The square in the corner is the right angle, and it's not called a right triangle because it's on the right side (in this case its not on the right!) The right angle is an angle of 90 degrees. The triangle is made up of legs: A and B, and the longest side of the triangle or the part of the triangle that is diagonal from the right angle is called the hypotenuse. The acute angles are going to be Theta and Beta. Theta and Beta are called complimentary angles because together they form a 90 degree angle.

This is a statue of Pythagoras. He is the great greek man that made the Pythgorean Theorem and many more. He was the first known westerner to say that the Earth revolves around the sun. He was the only westerner to be allowed in pyramids, only one to speak fluent Egyptian language.
Pythagoras: The greatest genius ever lived. He is a "uber" smart mathematician, he was a Greek geek. It wasn't for sure that he was really alive or even existed.
Legs: These are connected to create the right angle of the right angle triangle a.k.a sides "A" and "B". They are also smaller than the hypotenuse.
Hypotenuse: The hypotenuse is the longest side of the right angle triangle, its the opposite side of the right angle also.
R.A.T: stands for Right Angle Triangle.
Greek : A person that from ancient modern Greece, also means that you lives or was born in Greece.
Theorem: A theoretical proposition, statement, or formula, something to be proved from other formulas.


-NOTE- Pay attention to the words that are PURPLE because those words are related with the artifacts found with Mr. Harbeck.
1st Artifact

This artifact is called a square. What makes it a square is the lines of symmetry. The lines of symmetry are the lines that go through each side of a square. This indicates that all sides of the square is equal. Each corner of a square is 90 degrees angle. If you add up all of the corners you will get 360 degrees. Which means that this square is 360 degrees. If you cut this square in half from corner to corner, you will have two R.A.T.'s.
3rd Artifact
4th Artifact

Here are the two videos Joseph, Adrian and I made.
Thanks for reading and watching, please comment if I missed anything. Thanks and goodbye!
Sutchai's Pythagoras Post
Right Angle Triangle


Mr.Harbeck, I personally think that we should care in grade 8 math because it will be heading our way when we get to a harder level in math, and we'll need to know these things already in order to learn more advanced stuff.
Now, for the 2 problems I chose to solve.
Here's the first one:
To find the base of the triangle, first you must find out the base of one side. Then, after you find the base of one side of the triangle, double the base of that one side, and you'll get the base of the whole triangle. You have to double it because you know that both sides of the triangle are equal.
Here's the second problem:
To find the perimeter of the game board, first find the sides of the square. Then, once you know the side of the square, you'll know sides "a" and "b" on the triangle, since they're both equal. Since you know both sides "a" and "b", you have to now figure out what the hypotenuse is ("c"). Once you figure out the hypotenuse, you now know all sides of the triangle and you can add up all sides of the game board.
Here are the math videos that Michelle and I made:
Scribe Post For February 26, 2009
These are my videos with Carrie and Krissia.
Part One:
Part Two:
The next scribe is ............. SUTCHAAI ! (: Good luck and have fun doing the next scribe ;)
Phythagoras Post
Right Triangle:

Hypotenuse - The hypotenuse is on the opposite of the right angle and is the longer side of the triangle.
Legs - Are the shorter sides of the triangle.
R.A.T. - Right Angle Triangle.
Theorem - A theorem is a demonstrated statement that has been proved or needs to be proven. Pythagoras' theorem was a² + b² = c² .
Greek - A native or citizen of Greece. and that's it for the vocabulary.
Pythagoras was a Greek who lived 2500 years ago. He was an "uber" smart mathematician. He is the one who came up with the theory of a² + b² = c². Pythagoras is important because his mathematical theories and formulas are still used today.

This shape is a right angle triangle (R.A.T.). The legs are the shorter side of the triangle (a and b). Across the right angle, is the hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is always the longest side. The hypotenuse is c. The formula for a right angle triangle is a² + b² = c². a can either be the vertical line, or the bottom line. The same goes to b.

This shape is a square and it has four right angles. The lines on the square just help you see that its equal on all sides. All together the square equals 360 degrees and to get that all you do is time 90 degrees by 4 which is 360.

You need to find out how long each side of the square is. Then that will give you side 'a' and 'b' for the triangles since they're both the same length. So then find the length of the hypotenuse, which is 'c'. After you find that out you can now label the triangle and add up all the sides to find the perimeter.


So this is a right triangle also known as R.A.T. It is called a right triangle because it has that little square that tells you it's 90°. Well the 90° is made by two parts of the triangle, that is θ (theta) and B (beta). Those two angles make 90° are called complementary angle. Hypotenuse is the longest side which is often called or labeled as "C". Just remember that is it across from the right angle. The two smaller sides are often labeled as "A" or "B", it doesn't matter which side it is on but now across the right angle.
Problem #1

These are my videos with Carrie and Arielle.

Next is the Pythagorean Theorem....

My video on Pythagoras
Mr.Harbeck said that he found these artifacts that was left in his backpack. So right now I'm going to explain what these artifacts are and this vocabulary that was left on a piece of paper and how they are linked to these artifacts.

The word theorem relates to a formula, a² + b² = c² or a theory that can be proved.

The third artifact is the Pythagorean Theorem. This is a formula that is related to 'a', 'b' and 'c'. In other words the 3 sides of the right triangle. Pythagoras was the one who came up with the theorem. This is a picture how we use the Pythagorean Theorem. Here is a square that is 3x3, another square that is 4x4 and another one that is 5x5. The 5x5 square is the one that was made from both 3x3 and 4x4 squares. The 5x5 square which has a square in it is the 4x4 square and the squares outside of it is the 3x3 square. So, the pythagorean theorem works because 3x3=9, 4x4=16, 5x5=25 and 9+16=25.

