Krissia's Measures of Central Tendency

Jayzie's Measures of central tendancy
Sutchai's Measures of Central Tendency
Median:The middle number in a data set when the data are put in order; a type of average.
Mode:A type of average; the number (or numbers) that occurs most frequently in a set of data.
Range:In statistics, the difference between the largest and the smallest numbers in a data set.
Here's a video that explains the mean, median, mode, and range :
Dean's Measures of Central Tendency
- Arrange the data in ascending numerical order.
- Add up all the data.
- Divide the sum by how many pieces of data there are.
- Arrange the data in ascending numerical order.
- Cross out the border numbers until you remain with one.
- In the occasion of there being 2 numbers, you add them and then divide by 2.
- Arrange the data in ascending numerical order.
- Find the most occurring number.
- Note that it is possible to have more than one mode.
- Arrange the data in ascending numerical order.
- Subtract the lowest number from the highest number.
Here is a video that explains mean, median and mode :
Michelle's Measures of Central Tendency

- Arrange the data in ascending numerical order.
- The mean is the sum of all data

- Arrange the data in acending numerical order.
- The median is the number that is in the middle
- If there is two numbers in the middle number between those two numbers.

- Arrange the data in ascending numerical order.
- The mode is the number that shows up often.

- Arrange the data in ascending order.
- The range is when you subtract the smallest piece of data from the largest piece of data.
Heres the video that explains mean, median, mode, and range.
Ronnil's Measures of Central Tendancy
Arrange the data in ascending numberical order.
Add up all the data and divide the sum by the amount of data.

Arrange the data in ascending numberical order.
Cross out the same amount of numbers from outside in.
If there are two medians in the middle then add them both together and divide by 2.

Arrange the data ascending numberical order.
The most common number in the data. ( 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8 )

Arrange the data ascending numberical order.
Subract the smallest number to the biggest

Heres a video of MMM.
Maeddah's Measure of Central Tendency
- Arrange data in ascending order.(1, 1, 3, 4, 4)
- Add the set of data together. (1+1+3+4+4=13)
- Take the sum of data, and divide it by the numbers of data. (13/5=2.6)
- Arrange data in ascending order. (1, 1, 3, 4, 4)
- Cross out each number on the right and left until one number is left. (
- 3 is the middle number out of the data.
(If the numbers of data equal up to an equal number, you must take the last 2, add them together, and divide the sum by 2.
- Arrange data in ascending order. (1, 1, 3, 4, 4)
- Found the most occuring number/S. (1, 1, 3, 4, 4)
- 1 and 4 are the mode.
(There doesn't always have to be a Mode. There CAN be more than ONE Mode.)
- Arrange data in ascending order (1, 1, 3, 4, 4)
- Look for the greatest piece of data (1, 1, 3, 4, 4)
- Look for the smallest piece of data (1, 1, 3, 4, 4)
- Subtract the greatest piece of data with the smallest piece of data (4-3=1)
Heres a video about M,M,M!
Arielle's Measures of Central Tendency
Mean: The mean is the sum of all data divided by the number of data points ; average.
Median: The median is the middle value in a set of data. If there are 2 medians in the middle, add them together and divide by 2.
Mode: The mode is the most frequently occurring number in a set data, there can be more than one mode.
Range: The range is the difference between the largest and smallest values in a set of data.
Here is a video that explains mean, median, mode, and range :
Tracy's Measures of Central Tendency
- arrange the data in ascending order
- the sum of numbers divided by how many numbers there are in the data
- with an outlier the mean is less accurate "average"

- arrange the data in ascending order
- the middle number in a set of data
-if there are 2 middle number you find the mean of them
-great to use if there is an outlier

- arrange the data in ascending order
- most frequently used number in the data
- you can have more then one more or NO mode
-Arrange data in ascending order
-Look for the greatest piece of data
-Look for the smallest piece of data
-Subtract the greatest piece of data with the smallest piece of data

Here is a video that explains MMM.
renz's measures of central tendency
- arrange the data in ascending numerical order
- add up all the data
- divide the number of data to the sum of all data
- arrange in ascending numerical order
- find the middle nuber of the data
- arrange in ascending numerical order
- find the most occuring number(s) of the data
- arrange in ascending numerical order
- subtract the smallest number with largest number
Here is a video about mmm.
Gelli's Measures of Central Tendency
- Arrange the data in ascending numerical order.
- The sum of all data, divided by how many numbers there are in the data.
- Arrange the data in ascending numerical order.
- The middle number of the data.
- If there are 2 numbers in the middle, add them together and divide by 2.
- Arrange the data in ascending numerical order.
- The most common number.
- Arrange the data in ascending numerical order.
- Subtract the smallest data from the largest data.
Here is a video that explains MMM:
Hanbit's Measures of Central Tendency
- Arrange data in ascending order.
- Sum of all data, divided by how many numbers there are in the data
- Arrange data in ascending order.
- If there are 2 medians, add them together, then divide by 2 to get the average.
- The middle number from the data
- Arrange data in ascending order.
- The most common numbers in the data.
- Arrange data in ascending order.
- subtract the smallest piece of data from the greatest piece of data.
Here is a video from youtube that explains mean, median, mode and range.